Named after strange blue lights that can be seen in the distance at night. This stretch of forest is all that separates Gali and Lashan from the safety of Ardia Tower as they are relentlessly pursued by a dark star...

Ardia Tower is located on the azzure waters of Lake Melite. It was once part of an ancient kingdom now in ruins below the lake. The lake is inhabited by water dragons who are used as mounts by Ardian knights. The ruler, King Cadmus, struggles to maintain his independence from the Kingdom of Sana.

The time before time itself, when all life on earth was said to have been created. The first beings to have existed were called Dreamweavers, they were made from pure light and were one with nature.

Named after strange blue lights that can be seen in the distance at night. This stretch of forest is all that separates Gali and Lashan from the safety of Ardia Tower as they are relentlessly pursued by a dark star...